
Wednesday, December 31, 2014


He [John] went into all the country around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Luke 3:3

Baptism: an act, experience, or ordeal by which one is purified, sanctified, initiated, or named.

There's a lot of confusion and explanations and religious doctrine regarding the ordinance of water baptism and what it means. How important is it? Is it essential for becoming a Christian, or something extra that you can do when you happen to get around to it? 
The most important baptism any Christian can or will have is the baptism of repentance. Without repentance, no one will come to God. If you are not sorry and willing to change, why would you even bother with God? Refusing to repent is simply telling him you do not care about him or about what he says, because he says that all men need to repent.

When we repent of our wickedness and turn our lives over to God, he then purifies us and makes us whiter than snow. 

Water baptism is an outward confession that you have partaken in the baptism of repentance. You are telling the world that God has cleansed you, purified, and sanctified you. You are telling the world that you have died to your sinful nature and have been reborn as a new creature in Jesus Christ, filled with his grace and the power to live for him. 

Both forms of baptism are important. The baptism of repentance is your declaration to God that you are willing to die to your sin, change your ways, and follow him. You give him permission to change you, that you will obey his commands, and that you believe that he and he alone can save you. Water baptism is you publicly announcing to your fellow man that you believe that God alone is your rock and your salvation and that you will follow and obey him. You are letting all men see that you are willing to die to your sin, change your ways, and follow God. You are not ashamed of him or of your belief that he and he alone can save you.

If you believe in Christ, you need to go one step further and be baptized in his name as well.

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